this slowpoke moves

Sell Interactive Digital Tours.
Zero Commission.


Introducing Maslol: The Digital Tour Platform


Whether you’re importing existing routes or starting fresh, Maslol’s platform combines map-based navigation with limitless multimedia content to provide your customers with the most interactive and engaging experiences

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Available Any Time

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Offline Mode

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GPS Navigation

Digital Maps: Built For Your Needs


Maslol easily integrates with existing sales infrastructure, allowing tour providers to seamlessly add Maslol and begin benefiting from it immediately.

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Tour Valide for specific date[s]

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Content Protection

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Device Limit

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AI Tools Content Creation

Maslol's Content Formula: Tailoring Content for Independent Travelers


After studying the behavior of thousands of solo travelers, the Maslol team will help you make and adjust content for these travelers. With Maslol's special method, you can make unforgettable experiences by creating content that really connects with travelers on a personal level. Also, AI tools will make it easier to create this content and share it in different languages

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